That's cool. I went to see the British GP in 1996 and they had a McLaren F1, an LM, and a race version on display there, and they had the standard road version do a couple of laps of the track. This car was the one that did 240mph in 1998 (registation K8 MCL). The first one I saw was the one in the Park Lane showroom in London in 1993. I was on a school trip, and that's all I remember from the trip now!
I went to the Nurburgring a couple of years ago, and I have to say, the standard of driving in Germany was generally much better than here. Lane discipline is a lot better there for the most part, and we were generally impressed with the standard of driving.
And of course the 'Ring was fantastic But don't expect the driving standards to be as high on the 'Ring, there are some nutters who think that common sense need not apply...and people who think they are fantastic and can drive at 10/10 because they have driven GT4. We saw quite a few of these guys in the barriers.
I already wrote in this thread that I had been in touch with the devs about this a while ago...
They said they were interested, but that their first priority was getting to S2 Final, followed by some work on some other things they have in the pipeline. So, they have not said definitely yes, but they have said they are interested, but if it did happen, they could not give a timeline, due to these other priorities.
I wouldn't worry about negativity when you go online as a new S2 racer. Whenever there's someone who said "I just got S2 ", everyone has welcomed them and said this is where they'll start to get addicted. People often offer advice or help if they need it, or just a friendly welcome. S2 racers are happy to have more new S2 racers, because it means more people to race against!
Sure does Even without PIR, there is of course certainly the potential to fine tune the dp1 in game based on the GPS data, but having a real car and track would be fantastic for LFS, and hopefully useful for you.
As for timeline for the dp1 project, I think this can be compared to Live For Speed, as they're pretty similar in a few ways. LFS and dp1 are both an attempt to build something better than what is currently out there, by an individual/small group with their first product in this area, learning a lot as they go, and appearing to be pretty successful so far on a relatively low budget compared to the big guys. When people ask why things are taking so long in LFS, we're quick to say, hey, there's only one guy working on coding, etc, and obviously it's the same for the dp1! And this isn't a full-time thing for Dennis either...
Because they're so similar in concept, I have always thought that LFS and the dp1 would be a great match, and it turned out two of us got in touch with Dennis on the same week with the same idea!
For every pic like that you can show me with no serious injuries, I could show you at least three with serious injuries or fatalities People do walk away from wrecks like that, but people also die in wrecks that don't look nearly that bad....
Well the test at the kart track was low speed obviously, but he hit 122mph at PIR on his first track day there. He said he was still being easy on the engine too, so wasn't giving it full revs.
Evo magazine highly rates the Renault Clio, especially the previous model 172 cup or 182 trophy, or the older Williams. I'm sure one of those would be a good bet. I am not sure about price or availability of those for you, but worth a look if they're available and within your price range.
I had a go at this a couple of months ago on Patch Q and it is pretty rediculous! I got the weight and power/torque right, and set it to use slicks.
This thing is going to be nuts. I am really excited to see what 0-60mph times this thing will be able to put down. I'm sure Dennis won't want to beat on it too hard, but at the same time, I bet he'll be itching to set some sub-3 second 60 times to help get a bit more positive publicity.
Crazy timing... I have been following the dp1 since the beginning and just last week emailed Dennis about having the dp1 in LFS. I heard back from him on Wednesday, saying he was interested. The devs also expressed an interest this when I was in touch with them a few weeks ago, so it looks like this may happen once they are at the right stage in development and ready to put more new vehicles in.
Yeah, as well as it being a bit blind, it tightens a lot as it goes over a brow. So you take what would be a reasonable turn-in point if it was a constant radius, and then it gets a lot tighter. Even when you know it tightens, the correct turn-in point seems rediculously late because you want to get over to the very left to straighten the right out as it goes onto a straight.
Yeah, as Bob says, the devs are focusing on getting S2 out of the Alpha stage and getting S2 final completed before they can really focus on adding new content and features.
None of this really has anything to do with us. Ok, so some people can't access the LFS forums right now, whoopee. As far as we know that's the extent of it, and any other issues are the business of the devs, not us.
What does this have to do with us? Yes, some people have been unable to access the forums with their registered names, but nobody has been hurt...Okay, it has inconvenienced the LFS devs, but that's completely their business not ours.
You know, I only noticed today that it was Atack not Attack, and while I don't think I've ever written your name (so not mispelled it!), it is really bugging me now I know it's one t not two! But probably not as much as it's bugging you that people get it wrong...I know how that feels, people so often spell my name Micheal...
Yeah, just imagine being able to drive something with the same specs as a miata, then having the ability to use the same size tyre you use in RL. Figure out your spring rates etc and get it set up just like your real life car and go for some fun LFS autox driving!
One difference is that the suspension is MacPherson Strut on the XR GT, rather than double wishbone. I don't know how much difference this makes, but surely it's significant as you don't have as much control over camber compared to a double wishbone setup.
Anyone with more knowledge on how the suspension type affects the handling can comment at any time!
Good point. This is also especially true in real life because a lot of cars are seriously limited with regards to camber adjustability, maybe only getting a maximum of 1 degree in some cases. This of course results in an even higher pressure needed to prevent rolling over onto the sidewall.